Scientific reports
- A. Kornyukhin, V. Kaptsov, A. Dobroserdov, I. Seit-Umerov
- Efective methods of protection from technogenic electromagnetic radiation and information-wave diagnostic methods
- A. Kornyukhin
- Spectrum analysis of meridional system assessing results
- A. Kornyukhin
- Human dependence syndrome – the grounds basing on the ROFES galvano-puncture diagnostics of the human meridian system
- A. Kornyukhin
- “ROFES- diagnostics”. Determination of a person’s psycho-physiological conditions via hardware acupuncture diagnostics
- G.V.Thalalaeva, T.V.Rogatscheva, G.P.Nasonova
- Valeology problems in rehabilitation of the people who suffered from psycho- ecological stress pressure
- M.V.Ivanova, A.I.Kornyukhin
- School studying load optimisation on the basis of psycho-physiological conditions defined by hardware for schoolchildren
- I.G.Lavrik
- Screening diagnostics and its application in a complex rehabilitation of children
- V.A.Beresnev
- Assessment of personal and group characteristics of a functional condition of sport teams by psycho-physiological hardware diagnostics
- A.I.Kornyukhin
- “ROFES-diagnostics” is a synthesis of medical and psychological aspects in personal organism structures analysis
- L.F. Kaznatscheeva
- Comparative diagnostic data by methods with the use of the ROFES set and generally accepted diagnostics
- G.V.Thalalaeva, A.I.Kornjukhin, G.S.Tscheurin, N.N. Platonov, K.J. Mischenko
- Demand for the development of up-to-date social psychological organizations as a part of Disastrous and Emergency Aid Medicine
- A.I. Kornyukhin
- “A family doctor” automated workplace
- A I Kornyukhin, K I Kozmina
- Some aspects of the tele-medicine
- I. Shumov
- The Use of Bioresonance Phenomenon in Diagnostics and Treatment
- O. Stepanova, E. Afonina.
- Information analytical report on the results of “ROFES” diagnostics by Su Jouk method (psychophysiological constituent) based on the selection of diagnostics results of Olympic reserve and Secondary school students
- Y.K. Agapov, I.B. Pushkaryov, D.V. Shmakov, A.I. Kornyukhin
- Clinic diagnosis of the backbone`s state by the ROFES set